Monday, March 27, 2006

Coming soon a new chapter

Hopefully, this is true. A new better year for me soon, hopefully, i able to move on to new exciting things to do. Or maybe just another journey for my life.
Got 1 gifts for my house deco. If possible, i would like to make it shinning to the whole house forever.

Another new beginning, this is catch phase for this year.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Name numerology explanation

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Average 3 1 2 1 4 2 1 1 3
Occurrences _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
In My Name:Simply count up the letters in your name and compare them to the chart above to figure out which of your equivalences is your average and/or above average numbers. Then refer to the interpretations below which tell you a lot about your more positives or exaggerated character traits and talents.
Special Traits 1Three 1's (average): You are a well-rounded individual of average intelligence who will have the means to take care of yourself in life.
Four or more 1's (above average): You are strong-willed, assertive and possibly destined to be a leader. The more 1's in your name, the more tyrannical others will probably find your personality.
Special Traits 2One 2 (average): You are a cooperative and diplomatic individual who gets along well with others and who enjoys socializing.
Two 2 's or more (above average): You are a charming, considerate and charismatic individual who is very well spoken. Your persuasive talents are considerable and you probably have a great appreciation for the arts.
Special Traits 3Two 3's (average): You express yourself in a normal, natural and heartfelt way. Your artistic talents are average.
Three 3's or more (above average): Chances are that you possess an extraordinary talent of some kind. The more threes that are in your name the more multi-faceted or stronger your talents are.
Special Traits 4One 4 (average): You are a hard worker, disciplined and are blessed with common sense and the ability to develop long range goals.
Two 4's or more (above average): Your work is probably your passion and it consumes most of your time.
The more 4's that you have in your name the more likely you are to have a tendency towards rigidity, obsessiveness and workaholicism.
Special Traits 5Four 5's (average): You are an agreeable individual who is flexible and adaptable. However you also realize the value of having a strong home base or "roots."
Five 5's or more (above average): You are likely to be a bit of a maverick who enjoys travelling and meeting people. If you have a lot of fives you may be easily distracted and often accused of having too many projects going at one time. Staying in one place bores you.
Special Traits 6Two 6's (average): You are a nurturer and caretaker and have the normal urges to procreate and have a family. You are gentle and responsible provider.
Three 6's or more (above average): You may be a strongly idealistic and stubborn individual who is a strict parent. The more sixes you have in your name the more likely you are to be fixed in your point of view when it comes to ethics and morality.
Special Traits 7Remember that in this newsletter we have only been looking at the interpretations for the average or above average presence of numbers. In the next installment we will examine the meaning of a deficiency or no numbers in a name.
One 7 (average): You possess an inquisitive, questioning mind, but you are not abnormally studious or curious. Your academic talents are probably well balanced.
Two 7's or more (above average): The more sevens you have in your name the more brilliant academically you are likely to be. However a predominance of sevens can also mean being so smart that you do not relate easily to others. This number signifies academic, scientific and metaphysical achievement.
Special Traits 8One 8 (average): You are business-like, self-sufficient and more likely a follower than a leader. You have a natural acumen for numbers and are probably more well off then most people.
Two 8's or more (above average): You have a natural talent for business and making money and are more than likely destined to be rich.
The more 8's that you have in your name the more rich (and possibly famous) you are destined to be.
Special Traits 9Three 9's (average): You are a compassionate, tolerant and good-natured individual who respects humanity and the rights of others. You are an optimist.
Four 9's or more (more than average): You are an idealistic individual who is probably generous and self-sacrificing to a fault.
The more 9's you have in your name, the more likely you are to be perceived as a fanatic or religious extremist. Nines in your name can also signify psychic talent.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Name calculation using numerology

The number of times that a number repeats symbolizes special traits or talents that you may possess. For instance if your name contains a lot of threes (which usually symbolizes a life as a performer or entertainer) then you might be well off with a career in the public spotlight. On the other hand if your name is lacking certain numbers then the deficiency symbolizes issues or karmic factors that will present themselves as lessons, obstacles or issues that you need to work on in your life. For instance, if your name lacks the number 8 (a number that symbolizes material wealth then it is very possible that economic hardship might be a repeated theme in your life.Your first step is to refer to the chart that is used to calculate your Life Expression number to calculate the values of EACH letter of your name.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

To simplify this process make yourself a small, simple chart that looks something like this. You will notice in the chart below that there is a listing of numbers that represent the average number of times these numbers occur in a name.
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Average 3 1 2 1 4 2 1 1 3
Occurrences _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
In My Name:Your next step is to identify the numbers in your name and compare them to Average Occurrence numbers. This will help you determine if you have
1) an average number
2) an above average number or
3) a below average number.
The interpretations for all three categories will be provided in the next newsletter.In the meantime let's take actor Tom Cruise as an example. He was born as Thomas Cruise MapotherFirst we will make a full count of the letters in Tom Cruise's birth name using the Life Expressions number equivalence chart above
2 8 6 4 1 1 3 9 3 9 1 5 4 1 7 6 2 8 5 9
We then apply the chart above to Tom Cruise's name.
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Average 3 1 2 1 4 2 1 1 3
Occurrence In 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3
Tom's Name:As you can see Tom has an average number of 3's, 6's, 7's and 9's.
These are areas in his life where he would neither excel or fail (pretty much be just like everyone else!) He has an above average number of 1's, 2's, 4's and 8's. These numbers signify his special traits or talents. He is deficient (below average) in the number 5. He is fortunate, as he does not have any missing numbers in his name meaning that he may confront less obstacles or issues in his life then most people.Remember that below average or missing numbers represent life lessons and karmic issues and that the average and above average numbers represent traits and talents.

Here is a brief summary of Cruise's Special Traits numbers.
The above average presence of the number 1 signifies an assertive, proactive individual in life, who usually gets his way,
The above average presence of the number 2 signifies a happy and harmonious individual who is faithful, adaptable and has an appreciation of the arts.
The above average presence of the number 4 demonstrates an ability to apply oneself and work towards long term goals.
The above average presence of the number 8 signifies wealth and prosperity.
Cruise's major issue or life lesson is symbolized by the deficiency of the number 5 in his name. The number 5 means a dislike of crowds and the public and perhaps considering oneself to be above the normal fray of humanity. He may find it hard to meet new people or to connect to others on a one on one level.
Here is a run down of his average traits - where he neither excels nor fails.
The average number of 3's in his name means that he may not push his talents or go out of his way to be the life of the party.
The average number of 6's in his name signifies a born teacher and caretaker.
The average number of 7's in his name signifies an individual an intelligent individual who is analytical and not afraid to ask question.
The average number of 9's in his name reveals a genuine concern for mankind and a morally upright attitude.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Swiss Army watch (using Quartz).

Ya, let me upload kind of watches i like to have.
SKX007K2 Automatic.

Having automatic watch is great! Above SEIKO diver watch is hot item as i search high and low in singapore before i got it at People Park Shopping centre.

So i will keep it closely to my heart.